Monday, November 14, 2016

The Difference Between My First and Second Pregnancies

For my first pregnancy, I read all these articles on "What To Expect For the First Time Mom."  Surprisingly, there are not a lot of "What To Expect For the Second Time Mom" articles.  Maybe they just assume since we've done it once, we are automatically professionals.  Maybe second time moms are just done taking advice and do what they want.  Or maybe nobody has any empathy for those second timers...yes, we knew what we were getting into this time around.  Nope, scratch all those ideas.  The correct answer is (D) because second time moms don't have the time they did during their first pregnancy to read and research, you know, because they are already taking care of an actual child.

I have noticed a few differences between my first pregnancy and my second (even though I am only week 25).  Let me tell you the differences I've noticed thus far.

#1)  Sleep

Okay, so this is a given.  My first pregnancy, I could sleep as often as I wanted.  Want to go to bed at 8 pm?  No problem!  Would you like to sleep in until 10 am?  Be my guest!  Of course sleep was limited by my job and other "responsibilities" (HA! I had no idea what real responsibilities were back then!) but in general, sleep came whenever I willed it.  This time around, I have a very efficient alarm clock that wakes me up around 7:30 every morning.  There is no snooze button.  My naps, if I am lucky enough to get naps, are limited to the 45 minutes to an hour that my little toddler sleeps.  If you want "me" time, you don't get a nap.  If you want a nap, your "me" time is put on hold until after your child is in bed for the night.

#2)  Getting Ready for the Day 

I honestly look back at pictures from my first pregnancy and just laugh.  I looked so good every day!  I actually got ready!  And I took a ton of pictures of my little bump.  This time around, I am lucky if I get out of my 'jams before Adam comes home from work.  I only take belly pictures when I get ready, so I have like 5 pictures through this pregnancy so far.  But the ironic thing is, my toddler is dressed every day, and she can't even dress herself!

#3)  The number of times you can wear that cute maternity shirt.  

First time around, I could wear an outfit several times before needing to wash it.  In all honesty, I think I washed my favorite pants like 5 times during my whole pregnancy.  This is all thanks to the fact that I only wore real pants when I had to.  Also, I am generally a neat person.  I usually don't go spilling food on myself.  This time, I get like one wear per outfit before it needs to be washed.  It's not even my fault!  Food literally finds me wherever I am.  My daughter was eating a banana, then put her hand on my knee.  Smashed banana got spread all up and down my pants before I realized what was going on.  Or my personal see a sad crying toddler.  You pick up said toddler and they snuggle into you, making your heart melt.  When they are all better, you look down at your shoulder and find enough snot, drool and tears for five babies.  Yep, that shirt is going in the wash.

#4)  The Google Searches

I swear, my first pregnancy, I googled questions at least once a day.  "Can you eat soft serve ice cream while pregnant?" "Can you take a hot bath while pregnant?" "How early do you lactate and what are the crusty things on my nipples?"  Yes, I vividly remember asking Google the last one.  I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.  This time around, I think I have googled the unknown maybe twice?  It's kind of a "been there, done that" thing.

#5)  Belly size

So this is cute.  I thought I was "showing" at week 19 with my first pregnancy.  Like, I thought it was so obvious that I was expecting.  Ha.  Hahaha.  I had a long way to go.  Now, at 25 weeks, I'm comparing pictures, and my 25 weeks now looks like my 30 weeks from my first pregnancy.  It kind of makes me nervous to see how big I will be before this thing is done.

My first pregnancy, 19 weeks and "OBVIOUSLY" pregnant! Haha
#6)  Preparation for Baby

So I know this is way backwards from most people, but for my first pregnancy, preparation didn't start until like week 35.  This time around, I have been thinking about preparing and everything we will need since week 12.  Luckily, we are having another girl, so we have most everything we will need, but still, for some unknown reason, I've been anxious that we won't be ready come February!

#7)  The Reality of It All

For my first pregnancy, it didn't feel real until I had a big bump to show it.  Even then, I felt slightly disconnected until I could feel the baby.  But it wasn't until I saw her that it became completely real to me.  This time around, it is much more real.  I know what's cooking in there and I know when she comes out, our experience will be incredible and emotional and beautiful, just like the first.  I think having the first pregnancy and birth behind me helps me realize what is coming and makes me excited for that time.


Welp, those are the major differences I have noticed thus far.  Other mamas, tell me what you think?  What were some major differences between your first and second pregnancies?  Or your third?  Fourth or fifth, anyone??  I'd love to hear about your experiences! 

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